Lock picking 101

Want to learn some simple tips to help you pick locks? There’s no one better to learn lock picking from than your local locksmith service experts!
Lock Picking Explained
Lock picking is something that we have loads of experience doing. Here are some of our practical locksmith tips and tricks to get you started on your own personal lock picking journey. There are lots of reasons you might want to learn to pick locks. Knowing how to pick a lock can help you get out of many sticky situations, for example, getting locked out of your home or forgetting where you put the key to your bike’s padlock. Obviously, picking a lock should never be used to do anything illegal; just knowing how to pick a lock will add a new level of coolness to your personality.
Tools Needed for Lock Picking
There are many types of tools that our locksmiths use to pick locks. Amateur lock pickers obviously do not need to know how to use so many different types of lock pick tools, but it’s something worth familiarizing yourself with.
These are the lock picks our locksmiths commonly use:
- Torsion wrench
- Half-diamond pick
- Hook pick
- Ball pick
- Rake picks
- Decoder pick
- Bump keys
- Jigglers or try-out keys
- Pick guns
- Tubular lock pick
We often recommend that novice lock pickers get a small pocket size lock pick toolset. These tools are small, but because they are made from titanium, they are incredibly durable and they’ll get most jobs done. If you really want something professional, you can always purchase a specialized locksmith pick tool set online, but it will cost you.
Basic Lock Picking Technique
There is a definite skill with lock picking, after practicing for a while; you sort of develop a feel for it. You can feel where to put pressure and to find the magic solution to unlock any lock. Here is a step-by-step practical lock picking method:
Your goal throughout the process is to simultaneously lift pins with your pick, while also applying pressure with your wrench until every one of driver pins completely cleared the shear line
- Put the tension wrench into the bottom of the key hole and exert slight pressure in the same direction as you would turn the key. Your goal here is to put pressure on the plug, so that when you take your lock pick tool out, the driver pin will catch the edge of the plug, staying on top of the shear line.
- Put the pick in at the top of the lock while sliding the rake all the way back.
- While turning your wrench ever so slightly, rub your pick back and forth inside the keyhole.
- You will need to repeat these movements using both your hands until all the pins are set. Take your time, and remember slow and steady wins the race. Rushing the process will just lead to frustration. With lock picking, a gentile, firm hand is essential.
- Practice! The last step that it takes to become proficient in lock picking, is to continue to practice picking locks of all types. Do it while you’re relaxing on the couch, as well as during any activity that leaves your hands free.
Is Lock Picking Legal?
There are some who wrongfully think that just by owning lock picking tools, they are doing something illegal. In reality, you do not need to have a locksmith license in most states in order to be able to purchase and own locksmith tools. Most of the time, as long as you are not using the tools to break into other people’s homes and cars, it is completely legal. That being said, there are some states in which owning lock picking tools when you are not a legal locksmith is considered proof that you have criminal intentions and that you are planning on breaking. At the end of the day, learning lock picking skills and owning lock pick tools is completely legal and fine to do, unless you are doing so with the intent to do harm to another human being.
We hope you enjoy lock picking as much as our professional Emergency Lockout team does. For any questions and to get help unlocking any type of lock, contact our locksmith team today!