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Are Electronic Locking Systems Worth Installing?

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Are Electronic Locking Systems Worth Installing?

Are you determined to replace your standard cylinder locks and door handles with wireless access control mechanics for fast and simple access? Tired of stressing out because of a missing key or jammed lock? An electronic system locking can operate all doors, gates, and cabinets with the help of smartphone apps and electronic access control systems. In exchange, you will benefit from increased reliability and durability compared to using physical keys and mechanical locks. Keep reading to find out exactly what is an electronic locksmith system, what are the main types of electronic locking systems, and what are the main advantages and disadvantages of electronic locking systems. 

What Is an Electronic Locking System?

Electronic locking systems incorporate electronic or digital keyless locks that do not require the use of a key. These locks are managed with the help of voice controls, fingerprint access, or digital number combos on keypads. All systems incorporate three main components: an electronic locking system which can be an electronic locking cylinder, a medium that will be used for identification such as a smartphone, and the software used for controlling access.

How Do Electronic Locking Systems Work?

Electronic locking systems eliminate the need to carry and care for annoying jingling key rings. The classic mechanism of inserting a key in a lock to unlock a door is replaced by a wireless signal, PIN codes, Time Sensitive Booking Codes which are, as the name implies, limited in time when they are generated and remain valid for a maximum of two locking processes, wearable devices, mobile key systems, smartphone apps on phones and tablets, RFID data carriers, or Bluetooth that may or may not require cloud connection. Integrated wireless technology allows for the simple integration of digital locking systems into home automation systems, together with small sensors installed in the doors to provide radio communication.

Is a Home Electronic Locking System a Good Idea?

These systems offer enhanced security, convenience in use, control, sustainability, and flexibility to both homeowners and business owners. The best systems enable battery-free, wireless integration of doors into building automation, allowing for close monitoring of the locking status of the doors from remote locations on a 24/7 basis. Advanced systems that rely on cloud-based technology can also prevent burglary while offering individual room control options. For example, when the system detects the room is empty, the lights can go out or the thermostat can drop the temperature by a few degrees, bringing you important savings on your monthly electricity and heating bills.

An automatic door lock system can make your life considerably smarter when installed on your doors, cabinets, and a number of other lockable furniture items. You can opt for digital fitting, digital terminals, electronic locking cylinders, digital fittings, and terminals and benefit from a variety of online and offline functions. A smart door lock system with a digital cylinder requires the same type of installation as a mechanical cylinder. Since their designs and size are usually identical, they do not usually require any additional adaptation or drilling work. Nonetheless, the best electronic locks feature basic bodies that can be found in different installation lengths that can be adjusted as needed. This is possible with the help of profiled spacers during installation. At the same time, when compared to traditional locking systems based on mechanical locks and keys, electronic systems tend to get pricier. If you are considering installing one or several digital locks on your home, make sure that you have the budget for it and that the perks also outgrow the upfront expense.

Electronic Locking Systems - Pros and Cons

Electronic locks bring plenty of perks to the table but they also have a few drawbacks. They are all worth considering when deciding to make the switch from standard locks. Here is a quick list of the main pros and cons of electronic locking systems:

Advantages of Electronic Locksmith Systems

  • Extra convenience
    Bid goodbye to your annoying keys and the thought of potentially losing them, breaking them, or having them stolen. With an electronic locking system, you should also eliminate the risk of accidental lockouts that require the use of emergency home lockout services. By memorizing your access code, using your fingerprint, or tapping an app on your smartphone, you will easily and conveniently get in and out of your home. 
  • Sharing access codes
    It is also possible to share access codes with guests or handymen while you are not there instead of handing them a set of keys. In case of a power surge or an emergency, it is still possible to manually unlock the front door using the available key override feature.
  • Save money on key duplication
    A keyless lock system will eliminate the need to cut multiple duplicate keys for all household members. Instead of worrying about having to copy the original key, you can easily share your unique access code and allow your children or partner to get in and out problem-free. 
  • Extra security for your home
    Digital locks let you closely monitor everyone going in and out of your front door. If you worry the access code has been compromised, it is possible to deactivate it or change it 24/7 to restore your peace of mind.
  • Increased property value
    Advanced technologies will boost the value of your home once you are ready to put it on the market for sale. Fitting a smart lock on your front door might help you sell your home a lot sooner.

Advantages of Electronic Locksmith Systems

  • The pricing
    These systems are normally more expensive compared to the traditional counterparts.
  • The access codes can be compromised
    Someone could steal your access code for your electronic lock on the front door and get access to your home. 
  • Wear and tear
    Using the same access code buttons to type in your access code again and again several times a day could eventually cause the buttons to wear out. You can fix this by periodically changing your codes. 
  • Occasional glitches
    While smart technologies bring many advantages, they are also not foolproof. This means occasional glitches may occur, requiring the help of professional locksmith services. 

Now that you know more about the way electronic locking systems for your home work, their main pros and cons, and the different applications and technologies behind them, you can decide for yourself if such a system would be a good idea for you. If you need extra guidance on installing locks or fixing them or fitting a new digital lock, give LocksmithsLocators a call!