Biometric Lock Systems

Considering Biometric locks for your office? Fingerprint locks and biometric door locks are the most advanced technological features you can use today to keep your premises safe and free from intruders. Contact LocksmithsLocator today to see what is best for your needs.
Biometric locks and other similar security solutions that rely on fingerprint recognition are no longer Sci-Fi concepts only seen in the movies. They have turned into real, palpable, extremely useful devices that more and more industries have started to use. Homes and businesses alike are making the switch to advanced locks that rely on the unique characteristics of the human body to ensure high, almost flawless, levels of security. Plus, if you own a smartphone that has been recently released, you are probably also using this amazing technology as we speak. We are talking about the fingerprint recognition function that allows smartphone owners to unlock their phones using their fingerprints that cannot be replicated. Biometrics is, without a doubt, almost impossible to hack or copy, which means the regular security threats are kept at a minimum. And this is not only true for phones - Locks that rely on this technology allow us to enjoy safer homes and commercial spaces or even keep confidential data away from prying eyes and unauthorized individuals. Whether classic metal keys and deadbolt or mortise locks as we know them today will be replaced by these new wonder biometric lock systems sometime in the future, it's hard to tell. However, one thing is certain: iris and fingerprint scanners are here to stay.
What Are Biometric Locks, More Exactly?
Biometric locks are high-tech locks that allow access to a room with the help of the individual's unique body features. Namely, there are biometric locks that require users to use their unique retina images or fingerprints to lock and unlock a door. Retinal scanners are not yet intended used at a personal level for the time being. However, fingerprint locks have started to gain more and more popular during recent years. Fingerprint lock systems rely on optical or thermal scanners for reading, assessing and storing people's fingerprints.they are used for keeping rooms or buildings protected against unwanted and unauthorized access and they are excellent additions to research laboratories or server rooms in large IT companies.
Biometric Locks Relly On The Following To Open A Door:
- Pressing one's fingertip or entire hand to a scanner, which should lead to the immediate identification of the unique fingerprint details of the respective person and allowing them to enter the room or building.
- Typing a keypad code that will help authenticate the visitor's identity and lead to the door in front of the opening with zero restrictions.
Biometric Locks Use Different Types Of Scanners:
- Optical scanners that use take fingerprint photos and store them into the system for later matching. They tend to be more prone to hacking.
- Capacitor scanners which are more secure since they create electronic fingerprint molds of persons who are authorized to access a room or building. They are not flawless, as someone could replicate a person's fingerprint mold and show it to the scanner.
- Ultrasound scanners, which are the sturdiest are the safest options since they rely on high-frequency sound waves that will penetrate the skin's outer layer. They are a lot more difficult to replicate and they are also less vulnerable to errors because of grease or natural oils on the fingers.
ZiiLock, Biometric Lock For Bikes
Have you heard of the ZiiLock, the first foldable biometric lock used for securing bicycles? It is an amazing concept that relies on fingerprint recognition as well as contactless security keys connected straight to a smartphone – and we are sure it will soon completely revolutionize the way bike owners secure their prized and oftentimes expensive possessions. With a huge number of bicycles being reported stolen on a daily basis, and even more that go unreported, finding additional safety solutions is mandatory. The lock that will be sold for little under $180 will be able to store up to 20 distinct fingerprints – even though we can't imagine 20 different people riding the same bike for some reason, but we are sure it's possible.
The ZiiLock is also expected to rely on special AES 256 encryption for its Bluetooth functions functionality. It will allow also bike owners to create temporary access codes and enable their friends or family members to unlock the bike. The same lock will allow passionate riders to use a geo-tracking feature to identify the last known location of their bike always a great touch when trying your best to keep your bike safely parked somewhere. Moreover, the same lock from the future will also issue alerts in case the bike will decide to move “on its own”.
Disadvantages Of Biometric Locks
Biometric lock systems have a few flaws and drawbacks that are making lots of potential users think twice about using them. Biometric locks for home users, for example, require batteries to work – and they can easily run out without your knowledge and lead to the inability to safely use the locks. Plus, most models need electrical power to function, and power outages could also lead to further distress. They are also pricey and not everyone can afford them, especially for buildings and homes with lots of doors. Their installation and servicing also require professional help. It s advisable to use them in parallel with classic lock and key systems that can be easily repaired and replaced by expert locksmiths.
If you're currently looking to upgrade your lock system at home or at the office, get in touch with us and let us advise you regarding your best choices.